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Every episode of Hit Play follows one Neo-Futurist's attempt to accomplish an impossible task. It's a record of someone's real attempt to achieve the impossible, loaded with the stakes of reckoning with potential failure. Through this journey, listeners dive deep into one person's unique perspective on the world.

Impossible Task #10
Michael Kills You With Laughter

Impossible Task #9
Joey Unlocks the Secret to Preserving His Dog’s Immortality

Impossible Task #8
MJ Writes the Perfect Musical

Impossible Task #7
Chan Finds Julia’s Soulmate

Impossible Task #6
Jake Sends a Cow Over the Moon

Impossible Task #5
Mike Jousts Windmills

Impossible Task #4
Val Spins Gold

Impossible Task #3
Brent is Reborn

Impossible Task #2
Anooj Gets Away with Counterfeit

Impossible Task #1
Lee Conjures a Ghost


Before season 4, we produced the show with a structure more akin to The Infinite Wrench. Each episode offers a selection of short (2-7 min.) audio experiments created by our ensemble members. Some are funny, some are sad, political, abstract, musical, but they all speak to our experience of the particular moment in time they were aired.